Juz nak share info from a fren of mine... seorang dokor yang ada anak kecik.. anak sulung.. dan sangat risau like me bile anak sakit... ihihi...
Attention to mommies....
Now tengah musim URTI (upper respiratory tract infection). Baby boleh dapat demam/selesema/batuk. Usually viral (so xpayahla bagi antibiotic sbb antibiotic fight bacteria unless pegi Dr and Dr noted ade element of secondary bacterial infection).
So sape2 yg tengah ada simptom ni dinasihatkan jgn cium baby and hand hygiene kne jaga btol2, lepas batuk or bersin kne cuci tangan. Sila jaga etika bersin and batuk jgk . Aqil my son, had the same symptoms + being cranky on last Sunday .I pki nasal aspirator but dpt aspirate sket je. Hingus die meleleh je mcm air haha.
Then pagi smlm noticed die ssh nak bernafas and nafas die laju . So i decided to bring him to see a Paediatrician (luckily the specialist is my husband's cousin so sng la nk jumpe haha). And she gave us this nasal spray and siap ajar mcm mne nk gune . Ms buat the 1st time, Aqil menjerit2 mengamok2 smbl tendang2 bapak die (maybe sakit kot) tp hingus klua banyaaakkkkkk gileeeeeee.
Blk rmh, i thought bende tu akan sebabkan die sakit so i try it on myself, xrase ape2 pon, painless!. Ptg smlm i buat kt Aqil lg, tp x byk dh klua then die tido like 1000 years x tidoTido pkl 1am, pkl 7am bru mintak susu hahahaha.This morning die bangun tido senyum2 kt i haha dh ok sgt idong die tp i buat lg klua hingus yg kuning2 dh pekat gile lps tu die ok.
Now tgh tido ni.. I bace blog, dorg ckp kt Tesco Watson or Guardian ade jual RM 25-28Try la gne bende nih tp kne tgk youtube dlu cne nk gune. It really do wonders!!
So all mommies kay luar sane blhlah cube gune product dibawah ni... tadaaaa...
Gud luck.... bye.